Potenziamento metacognitivo dell’apprendimento della lingua inglese in alunni italiani della scuola primaria con dislessia – Analisi della scrittura e del cambiamento nella tipologia d’errore

Valentina Bravoco, Dhebora Cismondo, Marcella Ferrari, Umberto Balottin, Marta Clerici, Maria Perugini, Marina Zoppello, Paola Palladino

This study aims to test whether the metacognitive approach to English learning can improve performance in groups of children with dyslexia associated with other learning disabilities. The metacognitive training permitted the improvement by a metalinguistic approach on the phonological and lexical features of English language, that are considered opaque compared to Italian ones, that are considered transparent. Results showed increased performance on orthographic competence, together with changes in the type of spelling mistakes during the training. Moreover, results suggested that the metacognitive approach to foreign language learning is crucial for the motivational and aspect and self-esteem.

Dyslexia, foreign language, spelling, strengthening, metacognition.
