Uno sguardo sistemico ai DSA. Il rapporto di interdipendenza tra 
il bambino e i suoi sistemi di riferimento: 
il ruolo rilevante della famiglia

Buchi Arianna, Venturini Riccardo

The children with Specific Learning Disabilities live closely with unique and timely reference systems: family, school, peer groups, etc. The evolution and relationships that develop and build make the very condition of Learning Disabilities more or less acceptable for every child. The same experiences related to a sense of self-esteem or self-efficacy of the child change, depending on the context in which the child is to live his or her own experiences. The investigation and diagnosis by the practitioner must take into account the influences and the effect of the relationships of the child with their reference systems (family and school in the first place). This study aims to expand the horizon of each professional to take into consideration, not only a child with Specific Learning Disabilities, but also the world that accompanies and characterizes it.

Specific Learning Disabilities, system, relation.
