Raccolta dei dati normativi per la valutazione della disgrafia con la scala BHK in un campione di alunni della scuola secondaria di primo grado

Baglieri Daniela, Bommarito Gabriella, Favacchio Bartolomeo, Latino Enza

Writing is a complex task which requires multiple cognitive abilities and highly specialized basic motor skills, involving in the specific movements for the formation of the letters — peripheral processes — that make the handwriting readable or unreadable. For an unreadable handwriting we should apply the diagnosis of dysgraphia, measured through the use of standardized instruments, such as the BHK scale – Scale of Synthetic Evaluation of Writing in Children and Adolescents (De Brina and Rossini, 2011). This tool is intended for pupils of primary school (classes second, third, fourth and fifth). However, at present, we often observe more cases of dysgraphia in students attending the three classes of the middle school. That is why we have extended the calibration of the BHK scale to a sample of students attending the middle school levels. The results of this work have allowed us to be able to reflect on the evolution of graphics typical of adolescents, and with their gender differences. In addition, we have seen a considerable quantitative difference in some of the 13 parameters of the scale, among the group of pupils from the primary school and the students attending the secondary school level. Some parameters, in fact, reveal a massive and constant presence over the years, while others show themselves irrelevant and/or even absent in the later stages of schooling; this is in part due to a change in the characteristics of the style of writing.

dysgraphia, BHK, graphics, illegible, parameters.
