Verifica dell’efficacia di un trattamento per la risoluzione di compiti di decisione grammaticale in soggetti disortografici

Arcangela Carli, Italia Pietrangelo

This study aims to verify in subject with a specific disability for orthographic learning the effectiveness of a procedure for the proper use of the auxiliary verb to have. The survey was conducted through a comparative trial between two samples of 15 subjects each, by administering a dictation test of homophonic and not homographs sentences that included in Batteria per la valutazione della Dislessia e Disortografia Evolutiva-2 (Sartori, Job & Tressoldi, 2007). The data shows that the intervention has produced statistically significant results; moreover it provides indications on the classification of the target words in the test useful for evaluation purpose and resulting falling behind on setting intervention; finally it offered interesting insight about the specificity of the process of decision grammar compared to lexical.

Dysortography, rehabilitation intervention, comparative trial.
