Analisi dell’efficacia di un intervento volto alla promozione dei prerequisiti delle abilità di lettura – Uno studio preliminare su classi prime della scuola primaria

Sara Giovagnoli, Luca Mandolesi, Sara Magri, Michela Muccinelli, Luigi Gualtieri, Mariagrazia Benassi

The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of an intervention programme focused on phonological and meta-phonological abilities training. These skills are considered as a substratum for the acquisition of reading and writing processes. The study involved 5 classes and 99 primary year one children (f = 55; m = 44)­. The sample was divided as follow: three classes were used as training groups; two classes were used as control groups. Moreover, on the basis of pre-test assessment on phonological, meta-phonological, visual perception and visual motor integration capabilities, the children were classified as «at risk» and «not at risk». The training intervention is structured in phases and is standard for all the classes. The duration of the intervention is 15 weeks (3 sessions a week, 30 minutes each). The results showed greater improvements obtained in the training group as compared to the control group in verbal fluency and phonemic fusion skills. Moreover, the proposed intervention seems to be effective both for «at-risk» children and for the «not at-risk» children. The study confirms the efficacy of the proposed intervention programme, which is carried out in class and is based upon the training of phonological and meta-phonological skills as a foundation for literacy development.

Developmental dyslexia, cognitive training, intervention, predictive factors.
