I rapporti tra il servizio sanitario e la scuola nella gestione dei Disturbi Specifici dell’Apprendimento – L’esperienza di una UFSMIA toscana

Mauro Camuffo, Maria Maddalena Acchiappati, Rita Lazzeri, Margherita Papa

For more than three years after the promulgation of the Law 170/2010, the authors examine the relationship between a local health service and the school in the management of Specific Learning Disabilities. In particular, after a brief summary of the current legislation, they evaluate the characteristics of the user with Specific Learning Disabilities that has at least one contact with the service in 2014, service resources available for diagnosis and treatment and the critical issues that affect the strict application of regional Guidelines on the subject.

Specific Learning Disabilities, Local Mental Health Services for Childhood and Adolescence, follow-up Law 170/2010.
