Cooperation between schools and services for the well-being of pupils with Specific Learning Disorders. An experiment at primary school

Wilma Da Dalt, Marta Cisotto

The experiment described in this article involved a primary school child suffering from a Specific Learning Disorder. A speech therapy intervention which was aimed at easing the acquisition of reading and writing skills was designed and implemented, with the continued involvement of school users. The cooperation between the school environment and the service team ensured regular support for the pupil, both in rehabilitation and in class work, thus enhancing his motivation and strengthening his self-perception. This was also made possible by the progress achieved by the child himself, with immediate repercussions in his school environment. Importantly, not only was the effectiveness of this process proved by the factual achievements gained by the pupil, but also by the awareness developed by his peers and by adults about specific learning disorders and, in particular, about disease prevention and the well-being of the affected child.


Specific Learning Disorders, cooperation, school environment and service teams, prevention, well-being, awareness.
