Development is better than treatment

Francesca Novella, Alessio Surian

There is a growing attention for music interventions as approaches to prevent learning disorders. Numerous studies have explored the relations between language and music competences. The latter play a fundamental role in the process of learning, understanding and mastering language. It is possible to strengthen children’s reading and writing competences by involving them in activities centred on rhythm, on integrated song-rhythm-body patterns, and on coordinating motor skills. Based on these activities, we have designed a rhythm-music intervention “Growing up with music” centred on the body experience, rhythm, and sound as learning vehicles, paying specific attention to reading abilities. The intervention was offered to 32 pupils of a primary school in Padua in comparison with 18 pupils of another primary school in Padua that didn’t take part in this music workshop. The core idea is to strengthen such interventions within a preventive frame finalised at reducing children’s learning difficulties as well as making schooling more accessible to everybody.


Developmental dyslexia, Rhythm, Music, Reading enhancement, Prevention.
