Level 1, Level 2, Level 3How Is the Severity of Autism Spectrum Conditions Decided?

Roberto Padovani

The contribution deals with the issue of severity associated with autism spectrum disorder, with particular reference to the levels of support described in the DSM-5 (APA, 2013). Scientific studies that have attempted to apply levels of support to large clinical populations are reviewed. The results show significant correlations between the individual variables that contribute to the concept of severity, in particular relating to intellectual functioning, linguistic competence and the degree of autistic symptoms. This results in a strong discontent with the usefulness of the levels of support as described by the DSM-5. The topic of severity in autism is critically discussed also considering the recent proposals of the Lancet Commissions (Lord et al., 2021) on the definition of the concept of profound autism. Finally, a review of the most suitable tools for assessing the functional profile of the individual with autism spectrum disorder is proposed in search of any indicators of severity.


Levels of support, Autism severity, Autism and DSM-5, Autism spectrum disorder, Autism and disability.
