Challenges of adulthood: Not only work

Cinzia Raffin

The transition from adolescence to adulthood is marked, for all people, by critical discontinuities we must adapt to through processes of learning and change. There is homogeneity in the perception of what the discontinuities are for the neurotypical population: work, economic and housing autonomy, etc., but to think that also people with autism perceive the answers to such discontinuities as «priorities» in their life, can be an undue projection. In particular, we must emphasise the need for continuous and complete health care, which emerges from surveys where the stakeholders are involved but is often neglected in service planning and in research. The presentation will propose a wide-ranging reflection with respect to the discrepancy between real needs and system responses, also proposing a concrete tool capable of making it easier for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders to face procedures and medical examinations aimed at ensuring their right to prevention and to care.

Autism, transition, adults, health, Vi.Co Hospital, software.
