Table of contents

Volume 16, Issue 3, November 2018


Nov 2018

Ambito internazionale

The importance of an ethical approach to autism

Ambito clinico

The evolution of the concept of autism

The history of ABA in Italy: Between myths and false beliefs

Building a child paediatric/neuropsychiatric network. The need for an agreement and objectives

Ambito didattico

Autism at school: What should be done and why

Learning to learn with the help of peers. Peer tutoring as a challenge for schools and other educational communities

Work-related learning projects. The Day Centre for Autism Spectrum Disorders of the ASP in Catania

Clinical and educational pathways in autism. Moving towards a virtuous collaboration between healthcare, schools and families

Ambito culturale-sociale

Autism and dramatic and expressive language in theatre and cinema

Challenges of adulthood: Not only work

Words for describing autism. What terms should be used when you talk about autism and why?

My story of intractable brains