Table of contents

Volume 16, Issue 2, May 2018


May 2018


Michele Zappella

Ricerca internazionale

Diagnosis lost: Differences between children who had and who currently have an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis

Ricerca italiana

Mental state language in autism. Evidence from a drama therapy intervention

Autism in families: What traits do parents and children share? A research paper in the field of the Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP)

Esperienze professionali

The effects of group motor skills training on levels of physical fitness and the prerequisites for social interaction in autism spectrum and motor coordination disorders

Autism and intellectual disabilities: A survey of people with ASD and autistic traits in adulthood services in the province of Vicenza


IV Congresso Internazionale «AUTISMS» - Salerno (24-26 novembre 2017)