Table of contents

Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2016


Feb 2016


Michele Zappella


Group cognitive behavioural therapy and group recreational activity for adults with autism spectrum disorders: A preliminary randomized controlled trial


PBZ (Pini, Bonuccelli, Zappella): Italian scale for clinical evaluation in Rett syndrome

Ricerca italiana

ASP services for adolescents and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Catania

Esperienze professionali

ScAutism… social empowerment and integration

Reducing vocal stereotypy in a child with autism through Response Interruption and Redirection

Rassegne di studi

The use of Pet Therapy in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An international review


Un intervento precoce per il tuo bambino con autismo: come utilizzare l’Early Start Denver Model in famiglia

Attori si diventa! Il metodo Acting Antics per insegnare la comprensione sociale e il pensiero flessibile ai ragazzi con Sindrome di Asperger

Hank Zipfer e il peperoncino killer

Tools For Autism (TFA – Strumenti Per l’Autismo)