A Parent-Teacher Training Experience for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder of Pre-School Age

Giovanni Geninatti Neni, Marina Gandione, Marta Moreo, Erika Belcastro, Lara Malgieri, Chiara Davico, Benedetto Vitiello

The study established the importance of employing a multidisciplinary team in psycho-educational interventions and highlighted the bridging role between the team and the parents, teachers and several other professionals involved in caring for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Our intervention, addressed to a small group of pre-school children, their families and teachers, fits within the framework of best practices and services for autism in Piedmont. The multiprofessional intervention has been shown to increase independent living skills, as well as the communication and social abilities of the subjects involved, to reduce perceived parental distress and to enhance parents’ and teachers’ capacity to master major daily challenges.


Autism, Parent-teacher training, Functional and environmental adaptation assessment, Multiprofessional intervention, Parental stress.
