A Differentiated Approach to Pediatric Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Russia

Natalya V. Simashkova, Tatyana P Klyushnik, Irina S. Boksha, Mikhail V. Ivanov, Lubov’ P. Iakupova

This article describes a new Russian approach applied to differentiated diagnostics, used in the clinical support and social adaptation of patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Data from epidemiological studies on the prevalence of ASD in Russia and other countries are given from a comparative point of view. We highlight the need to disseminate the results of medical studies, essential in clinical practice, in order to prefect diagnosis and therapy for ASD, to create tools for personalised medicine, to develop invalidity prevention and patient habilitation and rehabilitation models as well as models for the process of activating international collaboration amongst experts on the issue of ASD with the aim of further developing differentiated diagnosis and differentiated treatment management programmes for patients.


Autism spectrum disorders, Autism, Clinical-biological markers, Personalized medicine, Habilitation, Rehabilitation.
