L’impatto della tipologia residenziale sul percorso riabilitativo della persona con Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico

Marco O. Bertelli, Annamaria Bianco, Chiara Del Furia, Daniela Scuticchio, Niccolò Varrucciu, Michele Rossi, Stefano Lassi, Michele Zappella

Residentiality for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) is a particularly delicate and complex issue, which is often seen as an integral part of habilitative interventions. The aim of this work was to create a Systematic Map (SM) of international literature on various residential solutions and on to what extent they affect the quality of life of people with ASDs. Five specially trained researchers applied the SM criteria to international literature from the last ten years, from January 2004 to April 2014. Literature turned out to be lacking, both in quantity and in quality, and often referred only to adolescence and was therefore poorly suited to providing applicative recommendations. Despite not providing precise recommendations, literature seems to suggest that the residential offer for ASDs should be sufficiently well-structured to be able to meet the characteristics of each individual, based not only on their autonomy, communicative, cognitive and motor skills, but also and above all regarding quality of life, in other words their subjective level of attribution of importance and perception of satisfaction in various spheres of life.
