Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder in a intersubjective perspective. Intervention techniques in the clinical practice

Ferdinando Suvini, Marco Giusti, Giulio Collavoli, Stefano Cainelli

The present article focuses on improvisational music therapy for autistic children on the basis of an inter-subjective theoretical model with an evolutionary approach. The guidelines of the model are briefly presented, along with three clinical cases that were carried out by different professional music therapists and refer to situations with different temporal frames. In the first case, the treatment lasts three years and refers to the SEAI model, which is outlined and illustrated in its key aspects. The second and third cases refer to the TIME-A Research project which included music therapy activities for five months, three times a week. The text is completed by an appendix aimed to illustrate the Music Therapy Training Courses and Professional Recognition.


Autism, music, attunement, improvisational music therapy.
