«Emotivamente»: Anxiety - Anger in Young Adults with Autism

Alessandro Rebuttini, Alessia Mantovani, Mariachiara Pioppi, Alice Ternelli, Martina Rossetti, Anna Orlandi, Francesco Nardocci

The Cool Kids Programme (Rapee, 2000) and Coping Power (Lochman, Wells & Lenhart, 2022) were adapted respectively for the structure of the anxiety project and for the anger project. After the first emotional literacy meetings, work was done on the specific emotion: functions, intensity and behavioural reactions. Finally, management strategies were taught: slow breathing, muscle relaxation and motor exercises. The test results showed improvements in both anxious/angry symptoms and behaviour. Another similar course with a focus on fear started in 2023/2024.


Autism, Emotional Regulation, ABA.
