Stress ed espressione dei bisogni in genitori di bambini con Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico. Un’esperienza di parent training in un setting ambulatoriale

Buglione Lucia, Di Michele Barbara, Dibattista Gabriella, Riatsch Alessandro

This paper presents a parent training programme offered to parents of children diagnosed with ASD, at an outpatient service of the Consorzio UNISAN in Rome. Parent training was added to rehabilitative projects which had been ongoing for some time. Based on the Developmental Quotient of their children, parents were divided into two groups. Stress measures were taken at the beginning and at the end of the experience using two inventories (Questionario sullo Stress Genitoriale and Parental Stress Index – Short Form). Qualitative self-reports concerning participation and changes in the relationship with the child were also taken. Significant differences in parental stress between groups and decreasing tendencies within groups were found, but not as an effect of parent training. Social support and sharing a common experience seem to be the main needs emerging from patterns of participation. Parent training is suggested as an effective intervention for these kinds of families.

