Abilità sociali ed emotive: una ricerca-intervento con bambini con Sindrome di Asperger e Autismo ad Alto Funzionamento

Nicoletta Businaro, Clara Lupi, Stefania Molteni, Eleonora Farina, Filippo Gitti, Federica Polo, Silvia Biondi, Maria Francesca Mancuso

This contribution illustrates the theoretical and methodological prerequisites and principle results of psychoeducational training aimed at supporting the social and emotional skills of a group of eight children aged between 6 and 11 years with diagnoses of disorder Autism Spectrum Disorders according to the DSM-IV-TR criteria and scores on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). The cognitive-behavioural training, which started in October and ended in June, envisaged weekly one-and-a-half-hour sessions. In order to measure the possible effectiveness of the training, the children and their parents filled in several tests and questionnaires before and after the intervention (a pre-test/training/post-test research design). Results highlight some improvements, above all in social skills, connected with the use of language and the ability to relate to others. This data suggests the usefulness of planning group activities on social and emotional aspects, which assume great importance in interpersonal relationships from the more general viewpoint of inclusion in various life contexts. Critical thoughts on the experience and operational recommendations for future research and training developments in the field of social and emotional skills are presented.

