Addiction rehabilitation and psychosocial reintegration: a study on factors associated with individual wellbeing

Elena Fiabane, Eleonora Ferraris, Debora Conti, Paola Ranalletti, Ines Giorgi, Marcella Ottonello

Substance and behavioural addictions represent a chronic disease, which is constantly growing and is
a huge health burden in industrialised countries. Addiction rehabilitation is an intervention aimed at
detoxification and strengthening motivation to change.
The goal of this study is to explore the level of psychological health and the psychosocial reintegration
after hospital discharge of 64 patients who completed a period of hospital rehabilitation for addiction
Patients were evaluated after an average of 4.14 years by means of a battery of self-report
questionnaires designed to explore psychological and physical health perceptions and certain individual
Results show that the majority of the sample adopted functional coping strategies including active
coping, planning and positive coping. Individual wellbeing is positively related to positive change
(t = 2.81; p = 0.01), and negatively related to loss of confidence (t = -2.26; p = 0.03) and social
dysfunction (t = - 2.14; p = 0.04), with a variance explained by the model of 68%.
Rehabilitation is a long process that requires, after detoxification in inpatient settings, the right
information and the implementation of network interventions aimed at stabilising sobriety and positive
social and occupational reintegration.

Addictions, Rehabilitation, Reintegration, Psychological health, Wellbeing.
