A clinical cognitive model of verification and case conceptualisation

Sandra Sassaroli, Gabriele Caselli, Giovanni Ruggiero

Life themes and plans Implications of biased Beliefs: Elicitation and Treatment (LIBET) is a clinical
conceptualisation model for emotional disorders. It belongs to the clinical and therapeutic paradigm
of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) with some additions from constructivistic and developmental
areas. The LIBET model conceptualises emotional disorders on two axes: (1) attentional focus on
vulnerable negative mental states arranged in automatic self beliefs — so-called «life themes» — and
influenced by experiences perceived as intolerably painful during personal development; (2) rigid
management of «life themes» implemented using safety behaviours crystallised in inflexible avoidant,
controlling and immunising/rewarding strategies, adopted even at cost of giving up significant areas
of personal development. These strategies can be temporarily and partially functional, but in the long
run hinder personal development and beyond a certain level of dysfunction can lead to an emotional
disorder. The LIBET model aims to help the development and implementation of a CBT treatment plan
during which patients are encouraged to recognise, challenge and give up their dysfunctional plans,
to agree to be more in emotional touch with their «life themes» and to stop evaluating them as

CBT, Clinical conceptualisation, Emotional disorder, Dysfunctional plans, Life themes.
