Clinical and therapeutic characteristics of emetophobia:

Luisa Scaduto, Antonio Bongiorno, Giovanni Lo Savio

Fear of vomiting (emetophobia) is a little-known anxiety disorder and very limited research has
been published on its conceptualisation and treatment. Emetophobia has an extremely complex
symptomatic expression that includes not only the avoidance of phobic stimuli, but in general also
alimentary restrictions, obsessive-compulsive behaviour, social anxiety, panic attacks and a lowering
of mood level. This study presents a case of emetophobia referred to a 19 year-old male patient. The
following aspects are described: assessment; case formulation expressed on the basis of the classic
model of Clark’s vicious circle (1986) and the model proposed by Boschen (2007); Cognitive and
Behavioural Treatment (CBT). The treatment involved psychoeducation, a procedure of situational
and enteroceptive exposure and a cognitive restructuring of dysfunctional beliefs about nausea and
vomiting. Pharmacotherapy was administered in association.

Emetophobia, fear of vomiting, specific phobia, cognitive and behavioural therapy, case formulation.
