Do we need to formulate in cognitive behavioural therapy for obsessivecompulsive disorder?

Michael Zivor, Paul Salkovskis, Victoria Oldfield

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is the forerunner of evidence-based practice and the treatment
of choice for obsessive-compulsive disorder, through the identification of specific cognitive processes
associated with the condition. Effectively identifying and targeting these processes is correlated with
good outcome. Formulation is a platform for clinicians and patients to identifying the idiosyncratic
cognitive processes. Training clinicians in formulation is therefore an essential part of delivering
effective, evidence-based treatment. This paper will discuss the importance of formulation in cognitivebehaviour
therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder and will argue that appropriate training is
required in order to improve the outcome of CBT for OCD as well as to decrease relapse.

Formulation, conceptualisation, obsessive-compulsive disorder, cognitive behavioural therapy, training.
