Case formulation according to different approaches to cognitive psychotherapy: Possible integration?

Maurizio Falcone, Salvatore Crino, Giordano D’Urso, Pietro Grimaldi, Teresa Grimaldi Capitello, Carla Iuliano, Maria Pia Pugliese

Clinical case formulation is strictly correlated to the theoretical and clinical reference model and
infl uences the subsequent therapeutic work. A number of central and key concepts which constitute
the common and shared constructs of cognitive theory (knowledge structures, schemata, cognitionemotion
interrelation, information processing, heuristic approach) are declined in a specific and
distinctive form and lead to differentiated approaches to case formulation depending on where the
standard cognitive therapy or schema therapy, post-rationalist cognitive therapy, metacognitiveinterpersonal
therapy or cognitive-evolutionary approach is adopted.
For example, with regard to the schemata and knowledge structures, some approaches stress their
appraisal and interpretative function, others emphasise the role played in organising self-knowledge
and knowledge of the other, while others stress the correlation with personality dimensions.
This paper examines these different assessment approaches, analysing the common and distinctive
aspects, in order to consider a more structured and complex approach to case formulation in cognitive

Case formulation, cognitive psychotherapy, theoretical integration, assessment.
