The «Saving Inventory-Revised (SI-R)»: Study of the validity of the three-factor structure in Italian community samples

Caterina Novara, Gioia Bottesi, Stella Dorz, Massimiliano Pastore

Hoarding disorder is defined by the acquisition and inability to discard a large amount of objects,
leading to cluttered living spaces to the extent that normal activities are precluded. The most
important self-report questionnaire assessing hoarding behaviours is the Saving Inventory-Revised
(SI-R), which is made up of 23 items on a 5-point Likert scale. The original factor analysis identified
three subscales: Clutter, Difficulty discarding and Acquisition, and subsequent adaptations of the
questionnaires demonstrated good psychometric properties as well as the three-factor structure seen
in the original version. This study was conducted with the aim of verifying the psychometric properties
of the Italian version of the SI-R; furthermore, the validity of the three-factor structure was evaluated
through confirmatory factor analysis on two independent community samples. Results have confirmed
that the Italian version of the SI-R has good internal consistency and test-retest reliability, and that
the subscales are acceptably intercorrelated. Moreover, the validity of the three-factor model has been
supported. Further studies investigating the psychometric properties of the SI-R in clinical samples are

Hoarding disorder, Assessment, Community sample, Psychometric properties.
