ComunicaBene, an Online Imagery Training Programme to Increase Assertiveness
Micaela Di Consiglio, Alessandro Couyoumdjian
Assertiveness is a key skill contributing to psychological well-being. Despite this, research on assertiveness and assertiveness training has declined significantly in recent decades. Consequently, while clinical practice has undergone significant changes with the development and advancement of new technologies, current assertiveness training programmes do not consider these recent developments. ComunicaBene, a guided self-help online imagery training programme to improve assertiveness, has been developed to address this limitation. ComunicaBene aims to enhance assertiveness through various learning modules through exposure, simulation, and imaginative practice. Additionally, ComunicaBene includes periodic supervision by a tutor in order to promote motivation and address any challenges. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of ComunicaBene in terms of acceptability and implementation. 105 university students (F=86; M=19) have been included in the study. Every student completed standardized questionnaires assessing symptoms, psychological well-being, and assertiveness. Successively, they carried out the ComunicaBene intervention supervised by a tutor. Moreover, students completed a feedback questionnaire at post-intervention. Results showed that 24% of the sample experienced moderate to high discomfort in communicating assertively and that approximately 30% and 23% reported depressive or anxious symptoms, respectively. Overall, students reported a high level of perceived utility of the training, with each module receiving positive evaluations and the tutor's presence being widely appreciated. However, there is a drop-out rate of 11.4%, with a significant difference in symptoms, well-being, and assertiveness between those who completed ComunicaBene and those who dropped out. While results confirmed the overall feasibility of ComunicaBene, some limitations emerged: most participants were female, and although 73% of students reported high satisfaction levels with the imagery exercises, these were not compatible with every participant's needs. In conclusion, ComunicaBene shows promise, but further development is necessary.
Assertiveness, Mental health, University students, Online, Imagery technique.