Educational outlook through a clinical approach

Roberto Cattivelli, Francesca Cavallini, Valentina Tirelli, Nicola Maffini, Silvia Perini

Contextual behavioral science has applications both with educational and therapeutic fields, but rarely
they are used together. Students who fail to acquire appropriate social and emotional skills have a
lower probability of completing school, becoming employed, and becoming well-adjusted adults. The
study describes the case history of a 12-year-old male with a severe school refusual and learning
disabilities. Over a period of 2 month, the participant had either not attended school or had attended
under duress and fled for home. Procedures included gradual exposure, in vivo desensitization, positive
reinforcements, social and study skills training. After 14 sessions (three weeks), the participant was
able to attend school without anxiety. Gains were maintained at one-year follow-up.

Anxiety, Education, Adolescence, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Functional Analytic Psychotherapy.
