TEMPS-A (Rome)

Maurizio Pompili, Paolo Iliceto, Mariantonietta Milelli, Hagop Akiskal, Paolo Girardi

The purpose of this study is the presentation of the Italian version of TEMPS-A Rome
(Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego Autoquestionnaire). The
instrument was administered from 2005 to 2008, to 1,068 subjects, 539 males and 529 females,
with ages ranging from 18 to 57 years. We verified the factor structure and provided the main
psychometric characteristics. By means of several EFA (Explorative Factorial Analyses), we defined
a 77-item instrument with high loadings endorsed on each corresponding factor. We extracted
a 3-factor solution: the first represents Dysthymic, Cyclothymic and Anxious temperaments
combined, the second identifies Irritable temperament and the third Hyperthymic temperament.
Furthermore, we evidenced good reliability of the instrument, as regards test-retest stability
and internal consistency. TEMPS-A Rome is an efficacious instrument to assess affective

TEMPS-A, Temperament, Test, Factor Analyses, Assessment.
