Anginophobia: presentation of a clinical case through the application of cognitivebehavioural therapy

Susanna Tolomeo, Francesco Vincelli, Giovanni Capoderose

According to Mowrer’s model on the genesis and maintenance of phobias (1960) and the integration
of some cognitive techniques powered by Beck (1995) and Wells (1997), this article describes the
conceptualisation and cognitive-behavioural therapy of a 34 year-old woman with anginophobia.
Following the assessment phase, characterised by the administration of the Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), the Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R) and recourse to functional
analysis, the intervention continued with the definition of Dobson’s treatment plan (2002), considered
exhaustive by the writer and comprising four objectives organised on the basis of different levels of
discomfort. The treatment drew on behavioural techniques, cognitive restructuring and assertiveness
and self-esteem training in order to improve the patient’s adaptive functioning and quality of life. The
article also highlights the most relevant aspects of the therapeutic relationship that is built together
with the patient according to the specific characteristics of the cognitive- behavioural approach
(Gilbert, Leahy; 2009).
At the end of the treatment, the patient experienced a remission of symptoms with important
improvements in mood, quality of thoughts, behaviour and physical well-being.

Anginophobia, Specific Phobia, Case Conceptualisation, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Therapeutic Relationship.
