Application of a Group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Protocol for Anxiety Management

Selena Giacomazzi, Sarah Mion, Sebastiano Pegorer

The present work intends to present the results emerging from the application of a cognitive behavioural (CBT) group intervention protocol for the management of anxiety: this protocol was developed to increase coping skills in patients with anxiety disorder symptoms, both in terms of cognitive and behavioural competencies. The methodology followed during the meetings was typical of skills training groups: the project was structured in 8 group meetings of an hour and a half each and an individual assessment with a battery of psychometric inventories (STAI-Y, SCL90-R, CBA-VE) was administered before and after training. From 2020 to 2022, 6 groups were activated involving 28 subjects (including one dropout) with anxiety disorders diagnosed according to the DSM-5 criteria, with the presence of some subjects with a primary diagnosis of another type in comorbidity. The test results were analysed by comparing the means of the scores and analysing the effect size given by the Cohen d index. The protocol has shown a significant decrease in anxiety and depression scores and an improvement in those of subjective well-being and the perception of positive change. The protocol shows a significant reduction in symptoms related to anxiety and an increase in individual well-being, in addition to the change in some symptom areas not directly affected by the intervention. The study has the advantage of providing to public service operators an easily replicated and standardized protocol that can be applied with the involvement of a limited number of professionals.


Anxiety, Group treatment, CBT, Psycho education, Behavioural techniques.
