The effectiveness of evidence-based cognitive interventions for people with dementia in relation to specific and global outcomes

Patrizia Consolmagno

Dementia is considered a priority in public health because of recent trends in the increasing proportion of the elderly population in the world and the incidence of dementia. Dementia as a clinical syndrome is characterised by progressive global cognitive impairment, and, in many cases, is associated with behavioural and psychiatric disturbances, which affect patient and caregiver quality of life. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of available evidence-based and person-centred cognitive interventions for people with dementia in relation to cognitive outcomes and to global outcomes, including positive effects on participation, activities of daily living, levels of independent functioning, social functioning, well-being and on quality of life for patients and their caregivers.


Cognitive stimulation therapy, Cognitive training, Cognitive rehabilitation.
