Expressiveness of dyscalculia in subjects with and without a specific reading disorder

Alessandro Albizzati, Lucia Tansini, Daniela, Deborah Bindelli, Anna Depetris, Katja Fasola, Michele Folisi, Donatella Marotta, Enrico Marzorati, Rossella Profumo, Stefania Serafino, Federica Tidon

In order to study the characteristics of developmental dyscalculia in pure dyscalculic subjects and dyscalculic/dyslexic subjects, the Dyscalculia Test (Lucangeli et al., 2009) was administered to two groups divided in this way, each comprising 10 subjects attending lower secondary school. The statistical analysis, on a whole, does not detect statistically significant differences between the samples, as already established in literature. The analysis of the «Z» points, obtained from the subjects of both samples, in most of the tests detected significant drops, proving the discriminative ability of the test. Less expected throughout the sample was a very sharp drop in some of the subtests in the «number sense» area, representing a dyscalculic model which is not solely «procedural».


Specific learning disabilities, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Number sense.
