Oskar Schindler and the Growth of Deglutology in Italy

Giovanni Ruoppolo, Antonio Amitrano, Beatrice Travalca Cupillo, Nicole Pizzorni

Among the numerous contributions by Prof. Oskar Schindler to the Phoniatric and the Speech and Language Pathology, his role in the emergence and development of the deglutology in Italy and in the world is remarkable. This manuscript recalls the history of the development of the field in Italy, from the ’80s to the present. The second part of the manuscript briefly depicts the latest advancements in the clinical practice and in the research related to the care of the patients with dysphagia and those with tongue thrust, including the assessment and the treatment.


Deglutition, Dysphagia, Otorhinolaryngology, Phoniatrics, Speech and language pathology.
