Communicative Competence Assessment for the Selection of an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Device
Chiara Zeni, Sara Isoli, Mariavittoria Gaiotto
In the speech therapy scene, interest and attention to different techniques, strategies and technologies aimed at facilitating and increasing the communication possibilities of people with complex communication needs (CCN) are constantly growing (Rivarola, 2009). Various augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices have therefore been developed, and have been classified on the basis of the type of technology they use (Cafiero, 2009). This study arises from the need to have an objective and sensitive assessment tool that can guide the clinician in choosing the communication device that best meets the needs of the person, based on a careful analysis of their resources and communication needs. Careful research was initially conducted, and it led to the identification of the Communication Matrix questionnaire (Rowland, 2004) as the most appropriate tool for the requirements of the project. Subsequently, the study focused on the translation into Italian of the questionnaire, on its expansion through data processing forms, and on the administration of the new assessment tool to a group of 13 subjects with complex communication needs (CCN) in the developmental age. The conclusion of the project therefore made it possible to have a specific tool capable of accurately assessing the subject’s communication skills and putting forward proposals aimed at introducing AAC devices within the user’s rehabilitation project.
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), Assessment, Communication Matrix, Devices, Complex communication needs (CCN).