Applying Precision Teaching in Basic Orofacial Practices

Elisa Maria Santoro, Dalila Berni, Iris Pelizzoni, Francesca Cavallini

This exploratory survey evaluates the application of precision teaching in speech and language therapy. The aim of research was to verify how the performance of basic bucco-lingual-facial praxes could provide us with an overview of the population on a phono-articulation and therefore verbal production level (Bertagnolli, Gubiani, Ceron, & Keske-Soares, 2015). The 71 participants of the present study were divided according to: gender, age and developmental level (typical and atypical). The variables taken into consideration were: (a) orofacial praxes, selected on the basis of functionality and ease criteria, (b) execution time of the praxes, (c) the diagnosis of participants in atypical development, (d) articulatory difficulties or other speech alterations of participants in typical development. The results showed a discrepancy between the execution frequencies with which typical and atypical children performed oro-bucco-facial movements.


Precision teaching, Bucco-lingual-facial praxes, Speech and language therapy.
