La pragmatica della comunicazione nei Disturbi del Neurosviluppo

Lucia Pfanner, Elena Marinari, Claudia Casalini

Communication disorders are very common clinical conditions in the developmental age. However, unlike what happens for other types of disorders affecting language development, at present there are different approaches in the analysis and interpretation of disorders affecting communicative pragmatics, and they can be ambiguous and contradictory. These disorders, in fact, although frequently found in clinical practice, not only in isolated form but also across different neurodevelopmental disorders and different clinical conditions, do not always receive the right attention in diagnostic and rehabilitation management. In the present work, after defining their functional characteristics and typical development, we will reflect on how difficulties affecting the pragmatic linguistic dimension, although not always easily identifiable, are more widespread and more frequent than one might think. We will see how their definition is still controversial, and how their management requires a complex process from the point of view of evaluation and differential diagnosis as well as rehabilitation. To this end, various interpretative hypotheses will be put forward on the nature of these difficulties and reflections will be proposed on the methods of clinical approach to these problems, providing some application suggestions in this regard.


Pragmatics, Development, Socio-pragmatic communication disorder, Language disorders, Autism spectrum disorders.
