Thoughts, theories, analysis
The Mediterranean as a space of friction: reception practices from «helping work» to «social work»
Open access
The reception of unaccompanied and separated children: from uncertain identities to educational practices in progress
Open access
Empirical research
The dual constraint of the migrant minor reception system in Italy
Open access
Working with asylum seekers and refugees: the ethnography of a researcher/operator
Open access
Living on the border: social players and contexts in the experience of the Carioca reception system
Open access
Experiences, programmes, projects
Being useful to whom? Safeguarding what? Reflections and feelings on anthropological work in the field of health certification used for asylum seekers
Open access
Supervision groups: a look inside and outside migrants’ reception
Open access
Two DJs and an anthropologist. The ethnography of a party at a temporary reception centre
Open access
Open section
Zygmunt Bauman and the need for intercultural education
Open access
Bolognesi I. e Lorenzini S. (2017), Pedagogia Interculturale. Pregiudizi, razzismi, impegno educativo, Bologna, Bononia University Press
Open access
Giusti M. (2017), Teorie e metodi di pedagogia interculturale, Roma-Bari, Laterza
Open access