ONG: capitani coraggiosi o complici? Tre interventi tra emergenza e normalità
Andrea Canevaro, Luciano Carrino, Alfredo Camerini
The world’s north-south relations are more and more likely to be lived in a superficial way. Should we help those coming from countries of the south or not? This is the question we are trying to answer with this contribution. Non-Governmental Organisations have acquired relevant expertise on this topic in recent years, useful for approaching this thorny issue. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to question the quality of the knowledge derived from the experience of these NGOs: they mainly operate in a context of emergency, thus providing less constructive answers. This paper aims to start a conversation, aware that building knowledge takes time but also that saving lives is a priority and fundamental duty of NGOs and that they should be able to do their job to the best of their logistical and technical skills. The author believes that it is necessary to dismantle the network of human traffickers as a complementary and parallel intervention to rescue.
emergency; migrations; NGOs.