Intercultura e formazione degli insegnanti: percorsi di decostruzione pedagogica

Alessandro Vaccarelli

This article deals with the theme of intercultural teacher training, taking the point of view of pedagogy of deconstruction. Social representations on migrants as well as naive theories that accompany the vision of other cultures often prove to be an obstacle in intercultural work, which risks orienting practices and knowledge towards dangerous misunderstandings, and producing, rather than deconstructing, stereotypes and prejudices. The first step is therefore to bring teachers to a high level of awareness of how educational actions can be affected by attitudes that are built into social awareness, which is too anchored to common beliefs and social representations conveyed by the media. Targeting above all trainers, the article also contains a series of activities which can be proposed during initial and ongoing teacher training.


representations of immigration, concept of culture, pedagogy of deconstruction.
