La formazione interculturale degli insegnanti tra esperienze, saperi e ricerca sul campo

Massimiliano Fiorucci, Lisa Stillo

The aim of this paper is to deepen the theme of intercultural teacher training through the integration of theoretical aspects, practical experience and empirical research. In a multicultural and complex reality, training on diversity becomes an indispensable foundation for the development of the skills needed to face current challenges. In fact, intercultural training often risks being trivialised or translated in a confused and distorted way. For this reason, in addition to more theoretical elements, we have chosen to present in this paper a recently concluded training experience on the themes of multiculturalism, and data from empirical research on intercultural education and teacher training. These aspects, closer to observable reality, may be useful for a more complete and in-depth analysis regarding interculturalism and teacher training.


intercultural education, multicultural society, empirical research, teachers.
