Diversidad cultural e igualdad de oportunidades en la escuela de Cataluña (España): retos y desafios
Nuria Llevot Calvet, Olga Bernard Cavero
This article stems from a project of excellence. The main objective of this project was identifying the influential factors in the development of intercultural discourses and practices in education and how these factors affect equal opportunities and equity. We analysed the development of policy of attention to diversity in public and private child and primary education schools of Catalonia (whether or not they have been arranged with public funds). A survey was conducted in 545 schools, and ethnography was realized in 10 schools with a high presence of students of foreign origin. The results confirm the plurality of its practical development. Thus, although we have found some discourses and practices that collaborate to foster an image of recognition of cultural diversity and its value, its implementation is often limited to superficial actions and, too often, folkloric activities. Therefore, the reasons for this decalage were analysed.
cultural diversity; immigrant students; minority families.