La didattica della seconda lingua per il minore straniero neo arrivato in Italia. Un approccio interculturale

Maria Grazia Simone

This article aims to offer some didactic and intercultural communication criteria, immediately usable in school practice, useful to effectively relate to the newly arrived foreign minor who learns Italian as a second language, allowing him to reach good levels of learning and full integration within and outside the classroom, and not just the simple ability to understand and be understood. This work underlines the didactic validity of a complex approach for the teaching of the second language that enhances the original one and that points, in addition to the acquisition of linguistic knowledge, to allow the young learner to benefit from opportunities and useful solicitations for inclusion in the new social reality. The contribution emphasizes the importance of combining traditional educational methods with specific educational experiences, of laboratorial and recreational-expressive nature, that are linked to daily life and that give the person in learning situation a leading role, also favoring emergence and narration of personal stories, experiences, emotions, expectations and needs linked with entering the new socio-cultural reality.


communicative competence; laboratory teaching; educational relationship.
