Praticare la disperazione

Alessandro Volpi -, Maurizio Alfano -

One of the many challenges that our era is encountering, is the preparation required for each and one of us to know how to decode the huge tide of information that flows within us every single day in regular intervals; first perceptions, then behaviours. This information, when it deals with someone different from us, that is to say the other, can determine attitudes that more often than not can lead to involuntary or, even worse, democratic forms of racism, and thus feed the rampant system of prejudices. Nevertheless, this vicious circle can be stopped if one chooses to recognize the experiences of past migrations and to stand up against the uncomfortable feelings that are imposed by bad means of communication, which deprive the correct use of its own memory. Towards this direction and used in its best way, the power of our language can help to reveal the real plots of our beings, culturally predisposed to racism to determine policies and unnatural behaviours. However, towards another direction, by just adding or removing a vowel or a simple consonant, one can change the story into another one. A different and potentially dangerous story that may make us collide against each other or become radicalized, when paradoxically it is in fact nothing more than the same story that is repeated in a linear manner, although slightly deferred in time.
