Insegnare il microcredito nelle scuole per superare la prospettiva eurocentrica – Teaching Microcredit in secondary schools to overcome the Eurocentric perspective

Sara Alves -, Marina Mantini -, Andrea Sparro -

The Teaching Microcredit project was launched in March 2013 with the aim of introducing microcredit as a subject in the Italian, Spanish and Hungarian secondary schools’ curriculum. The aim of the activities that were implemented were not to acquire technical skills related to Grameen Bank or other micro financial models, but rather to overcome the Eurocentric perspective through the presentation of other successful economic models from Southern countries. In this way, microcredit as a subject became a starting point to deal with other issues, such as global poverty, unequal resources distribution, female empowerment and human rights violations. Keywords: global citizenship, development, education, school curriculum, secondary school, economy, social sciences, microcredit, international cooperation, poverty
