Lavorare con richiedenti asilo e rifugiati: l’etnografia di un ricercatore-operatore
Davide Biffi
One of the outcomes of the «North Africa Emergency» in 2011 was the proliferation of reception projects and services for asylum seekers and refugees in Italy. I will describe the path I have undertaken within this system by taking multiple positions. First, as an educator in a reception centre and at the same time a researcher, I contended with the translation into practice of a part of the actions that make up the deployment of the system of migratory phenomenon management in Italy. The article continues with the description of a service to prepare for the Territorial Commission for the recognition of international protection. Through this article, it is my intention to highlight from different points of view some of the critical tensions and issues encountered in the reception system. Starting from a perspective that makes multiple placements one of the tools for reading the phenomenon, I will outline the picture from the point of view of a researcher who turns his field into his daily work and vice versa. I will shed light on the critical issues faced by an anthropologist who carries out anthropology at home and turns anthropology into a tool for constant reflection on his daily work.
Placements, services, anthropology.